Showing 9 products
SKU: 7114
AVAILABILITY: In stock (967 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea sales have started We only use tea leaves that are carefully picked by hand by skilled pickers on the first day of the first tea. Only the buds with good bud uniformity are carefully selected, which can...
SKU: 72041
AVAILABILITY: In stock (24 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Product name Dried fruit tea Ingredients Tea (produced in Shizuoka Prefecture) Various fruits (domestic) Contents: 2 net tea bags, 2 servings of fruit Expiration date: Separately stated on the product label
SKU: 15042
AVAILABILITY: In stock (399 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
赤ちゃん番茶は、家族みんなで安心して楽しめるカフェインフリーのお茶です。 静岡県の自社農園で農薬・化学肥料を使用せず育てた茶葉を使用し、自然由来の独自製法で丁寧にカフェインを取り除きました。 ティーバッグは環境に配慮したとうもろこし素材を採用し、安全性も抜群。 赤ちゃんからご年配の方まで、どなたでも安心してお召し上がりいただけます。 リラックスしたい就寝前や離乳食期の水分補給にもおすすめ。 商品説明名称 ほうじ茶 ティーバッグ原材料名 緑茶(静岡県産)内容量 150g(5g×30個)賞味期限 別途商品ラベルに記載製造者 みずたま農園製茶場 有限会社丸新柴本製茶 静岡県牧之原市勝俣262保存方法 高温、多湿、直射日光を避け、冷暗所で保存してください。移り香にご注意ください。
SKU: 71181
AVAILABILITY: In stock (999 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea sales have started We only use tea leaves that are carefully picked by hand by skilled pickers on the first day of the first tea. Only the buds with good bud uniformity are carefully selected, which can...
SKU: 7207
AVAILABILITY: In stock (40 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
◆Seal selection [Seal not required] [Red] Happy Birthday to you [Mother's Day] THANKS MOTHER [Father's Day] Father's day [Red] Stay healthy forever [White] For you [Navy] Thank you [Flowers] Thank you for everything [Mizuhiki] Plain (no text) [Mizuhiki] Year-end gift...
SKU: 7205
AVAILABILITY: In stock (4 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Product name Dried fruit tea Ingredients Tea (produced in Shizuoka Prefecture) Various fruits (domestic) Contents: 2 net tea bags, 2 servings of fruit Expiration date: Separately stated on the product label
SKU: 7109
AVAILABILITY: In stock (50 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
◆Seal selection [Seal not required] [Red] Happy Birthday to you [Mother's Day] THANKS MOTHER [Father's Day] Father's day [Red] Stay healthy forever [White] For you [Navy] Thank you [Flowers] Thank you for everything [Mizuhiki] Plain (no text) [Mizuhiki] Year-end gift...
SKU: 7105
AVAILABILITY: In stock (120 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
◆Seal selection [Seal not required] [Red] Happy Birthday to you [Mother's Day] THANKS MOTHER [Father's Day] Father's day [Red] Stay healthy forever [White] For you [Navy] Thank you [Flowers] Thank you for everything [Mizuhiki] Plain (no text) [Mizuhiki] Year-end gift...
SKU: 7104
AVAILABILITY: In stock (150 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
◆Seal selection [Seal not required] [Red] Happy Birthday to you [Mother's Day] THANKS MOTHER [Father's Day] Father's day [Red] Stay healthy forever [White] For you [Navy] Thank you [Flowers] Thank you for everything [Mizuhiki] Plain (no text) [Mizuhiki] Year-end gift...