Showing 73 products
SKU: 101151
AVAILABILITY: In stock (978 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea has begun It is the tea of "Mirume", which is the earliest of the first teas, and you can enjoy the freshness of the tea leaves as well as the rich flavor and sweetness. We only use...
SKU: 101081
AVAILABILITY: In stock (965 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea sales have started It is the tea of the fifth day from the first picking. You can enjoy the umami of young leaves, the rich sweetness peculiar to deep-steamed tea, and the vivid dark blue color. Generally...
SKU: 101101
AVAILABILITY: In stock (980 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea sales have started It is the third day tea from the first picking. It is no exaggeration to say that “the season starts here”, and it is the season when the taste and aroma come on board....
SKU: 1601
AVAILABILITY: In stock (144 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
One is a standard for water of 500 ml to 1 L. Please enjoy with your favorite thickness Enjoy it in plastic bottles, water bottles, bottles in the refrigerator, etc. *It takes time to extract because the water temperature is...
SKU: 101201
AVAILABILITY: In stock (992 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea sales have started We only use tea leaves that are carefully picked by hand by skilled pickers on the first day of the first tea. Only the buds with good bud uniformity are carefully selected, which can...
SKU: 101051
AVAILABILITY: In stock (886 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea sales have started "Hachijuhachiya" is the eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring. In Makinohara, Shizuoka Prefecture, it is the peak of the first tea season. It is a tea with the best balance of umami and...
SKU: 1701
AVAILABILITY: In stock (60 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name: Powdered green tea Ingredient name: Green tea (Shizuoka Prefecture) Contents 50g Expiration date Separately stated on the product label Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Tea Co., Ltd. 262 Katsumata, Makinohara City, Shizuoka Prefecture [Product...
SKU: 1561
AVAILABILITY: In stock (690 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Green tea tea bag Ingredient name Green tea (domestic) Contents 4g x 50 Expiration date Separately stated on the product label Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Seicha Co., Ltd. 262 Katsumata, Makinohara City, Shizuoka...
SKU: 1411
AVAILABILITY: In stock (588 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Green tea tea bag Ingredient name Green tea (domestic) Contents 2.5g x 100 Expiration date Separately stated on the product label Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Tea Co., Ltd. 262 Katsumata, Makinohara City, Shizuoka...
SKU: 5001
AVAILABILITY: In stock (498 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Powdered green tea Ingredient name: Green tea (from Shizuoka Prefecture) Contents: 225g Best before date: Separately stated on the product label Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shiba Seicha Co., Ltd. 262 Katsumata, Makinohara City, Shizuoka...
SKU: 1201
AVAILABILITY: In stock (93 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Green tea Ingredient name Green tea (produced in Shizuoka Prefecture) Contents 100g The expiration date is specified separately on the product label. Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Tea Co., Ltd. 262 Katsumata, Makinohara City,...
SKU: 1301
AVAILABILITY: In stock (441 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Green tea Ingredient name Green tea (produced in Shizuoka Prefecture) Contents 100g The expiration date is specified separately on the product label. Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Tea Co., Ltd. 262 Katsumata, Makinohara City,...
SKU: 1573
AVAILABILITY: In stock (148 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Cold brew green tea tea bag Ingredient name Green tea (domestic), Matcha (domestic) Contents 5g x 50 pieces (250g) Expiration date Separately stated on the product label Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Tea Co.,...
SKU: 1302
AVAILABILITY: In stock (116 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Green tea tea bag Ingredient name Green tea (produced in Shizuoka Prefecture) Contents 3.5 x 20 pieces The expiration date is specified separately on the product label. Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Tea Co.,...
SKU: 1811
AVAILABILITY: In stock (486 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
"Benifuuki green tea" (tea bags) will be sent directly from tea farmers and tea factories in Makinohara City, Shizuoka Prefecture, one of Japan 's leading tea producers! This is "100% genuine Makinohara Benifuuki green tea" that is not blended with...
SKU: 101071
AVAILABILITY: In stock (975 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea sales have started It is the tea on the seventh day from the beginning of picking the first tea. In addition to the umami of sprouts, you can enjoy the strong taste and aroma of this tea...
SKU: 3053
AVAILABILITY: In stock (50 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
It is a covered tea that preserves umami and suppresses bitterness by blocking sunlight and restricting photosynthesis before picking. You can enjoy the unique fragrance, bright green color, and mellow sweetness created by coating. Description of item Name Green tea...
SKU: 5042
AVAILABILITY: In stock (140 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Tea grown without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers Fukamushi tea bag 2.5g x 100p Ingredients: Green tea (Makinohara, Shizuoka Prefecture) Contents 250g (2.5g x 100 pieces) Expiration date Separately stated on the product label Manufacturer Mizutama...
SKU: 1901
AVAILABILITY: In stock (59 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Green tea Powder raw material name Tea (produced in Shizuoka prefecture) Contents: 225g Best before date: Separately stated on the product label Storage method: Avoid high temperature and humidity. Please be careful about the scent. Please...
SKU: 1518
AVAILABILITY: In stock (591 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
やすらぐひととき、ノンカフェイン秋冬番茶静岡・牧之原の太陽をたっぷり浴びて育った茶葉を、じっくり弱火で焙煎。さっぱりとした味わいと、やさしい香ばしさが特徴です。カフェインフリーなので、妊娠中の方やご年配の方、小さなお子様まで安心して楽しめます。一般的な秋冬番茶と違い、摘採時期や品種を厳選し、製茶・熟成の工程でカフェインを抑えました。寝る前のリラックスタイムや、ほっと一息つきたいときにぴったり。毎日飲める32P入りで、家族みんなの健康習慣にも◎100年以上続く茶農家兼茶師が、栽培から焙煎まで一貫管理。HOTでもCOLDでも簡単に淹れられ、一年中おいしく楽しめます。お好みの濃さで、くつろぎの時間をどうぞ。 商品説明名称 秋冬番茶ティーバッグ原材料名 緑茶(国産)内容量 4g×32個賞味期限 別途商品ラベルに記載製造者 みずたま農園製茶場 有限会社丸新柴本製茶 静岡県牧之原市勝俣262保存方法 高温、多湿、直射日光を避け、冷暗所で保存してください。移り香にご注意ください。
SKU: 1551
AVAILABILITY: In stock (194 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Green tea tea bag Ingredient name Green tea (domestic), Matcha (domestic) Contents 2.5g x 100 Expiration date Separately stated on the product label Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Tea Co., Ltd. 262 Katsumata, Makinohara...
SKU: 101061
AVAILABILITY: In stock (979 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
2023 new tea sales have started This tea is ten days after the first picking. This tea is characterized by the lush green light blue color of the sprouts that have been exposed to sufficient sunlight and the rich flavor....
SKU: 5041
AVAILABILITY: In stock (232 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Tea leaves (leaf)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
Description of item Name Tea leaves grown without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers 100g Ingredients: Green tea (Makinohara, Shizuoka Prefecture) Contents 100g Expiration date Separately stated on the product label Manufacturer Mizutama Farm Tea Factory Marushin Shibamoto Tea Co., Ltd....
SKU: 1821
AVAILABILITY: In stock (498 items)
VENDOR: みずたま農園製茶場
"Benifuuki green tea" (powder) will be sent directly from tea farmers and tea factories in Makinohara City, Shizuoka Prefecture, one of Japan's leading tea producers! This is "100% genuine Makinohara Benifuuki green tea" that is not blended with tea from...